
by icelamp studio



Hua Zhuan Pinyin (with phonetic mark) is an app for Mandarin learning orthodox assistant app that supports Chinese real pronunciation, stroke copybook miaohong, dictionaries, idioms, poems, tongue twisters, famous sayings, allegorical sayings, brain teasers, lantern riddles, rhyming assistants, etc.

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汉字转拼音(带声调)是一款支持汉语发音、字典辞典、成语词典、诗词、绕口令等等的普通话学习助手,乃学习常用工具软件。是您远离生僻字、学好一口标准普通话的好帮手,汉字笔画顺序动画分解,字帖描红练习书写。1、汉字转拼音:输入或者粘贴汉字或者词句,点击查询按钮即可显示出汉字带声调的全拼;2、支持单字、词语、句子发声,拼音字母表,aoe基础朗读,声母韵母音节组合朗读学习;3、拼音查汉字(同音字):输入拼音即可查找对应的汉字,支持全部拼音组合检索,支持拼音加声调查询(如:bing1);4、多音字查询:录入4000多多音字,不同发音词组,还有经典例句,汉字转拼音语句支持常用多音字语句识别;5、词典功能:辞典(字典、词典)、古汉语常用字字典、成语词典(离线,解释、典故、例句)、同义词反义词;6、押韵助手,通过算法获得押韵的字、词、成语,为学习创作提供便利功能;7、绕口令:训练普通话口语的传统语言游戏,将声母、韵母或声调极易混同的字,组成反覆、重叠、绕口、拗口的句子,要求一口气急速念出;8、拓展知识:带拼音唐诗宋词元曲文言文,古今中外名人名言库近一万五条,趣味歇后语近一万五条,脑筋急转弯,猜灯谜。由冰灯工作室设计开发 Designed By icelamp StudioChinese Characters to Pinyin (with tone) is a Mandarin learning assistant that supports Chinese pronunciation, dictionary dictionaries, idiom dictionaries, poems, tongue twisters, etc. It is a commonly used tool for learning. It is a good helper for you to stay away from uncommon characters and learn a good standard Mandarin. The sequence of Chinese characters strokes is animatedly broken down, and the copybook tracing red to practice writing.1. Convert Chinese characters to pinyin: input or paste Chinese characters or phrases, and click the query button to display the full spelling of Chinese characters with tones;2. Support the pronunciation of single characters, words, sentences, pinyin alphabet, basic reading of aoe, combined reading of initials, vowels, syllables, and syllables;3. Pinyin search for Chinese characters (homonymous characters): input pinyin to find the corresponding Chinese characters, support all pinyin combination retrieval, support pinyin plus tone query (such as: bing1);4. Multi-sound word query: input more than 4000 multi-sound words, different pronunciation phrases, as well as classic example sentences, Chinese character-to-pinyin sentences support common multi-sound word sentence recognition;5. Dictionary function: dictionary (dictionary, dictionary), dictionary of ancient Chinese commonly used words, dictionary of idioms (offline, explanation, allusions, example sentences), synonyms and antonyms;6. The rhyming assistant, which can obtain rhyming words, words and idioms through algorithms, and provide convenient functions for learning and creation;7. Tongue twister: a traditional language game for training Mandarin spoken. It uses consonants, vowels, or tones that are easily confused to form sentences that are repeated, overlapped, circumscribed, and slurred, requiring rapid recitation in one breath;8. Expanding knowledge: with Pinyin, Tang Poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Qu, Classical Chinese, nearly 15,000 famous quotes from ancient and modern Chinese and foreign celebrities, nearly 15 interesting allegorical sayings, brain teasers, and lantern riddles.Designed By icelamp Studio Designed By icelamp Studio1、汉字笔画顺序,分解汉字、动画播放书写、支持字帖描红练习;2、全新完善成语模块,成语分类故事谜语等;3、优化谜语模块刮一刮交互体验;4、修正部分词语拼音匹配问题;5、实现字典词典可更新服务端修正内容;6、汉字转拼音,突显多音字,支持编辑选择指定多音,如果是单个多音字则显示多个拼音。由冰灯工作室设计开发 Designed By icelamp Studio

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Karen Chow

Very good


Is good ☺️

Hui Kiaw

That's app good for me

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Liew Yu Yang

Great and useful!!

Teresa T

Can not detect 多音字

Daniel Rong


Mo Mokh

wo xihuan..

Romeo Mudimu